Verdicchio di Matelica DOC 2020

Tenuta Grimaldi – Verdicchio di Matelica DOC

Vintage 2020 was overall particular: autumn and winter did not present significant thermal drops, rainfall was minimal and water reserves were partially replenished. The vegetative recovery was rapid and homogeneous, also thanks to temperatures above seasonal average. From mid-May until the first ten days of June, rain was constant, and temperature during the flowering period was low, affecting directly the fruit set; as a consequence, production load per plant was regular from herbaceous growth, and bunches were smaller and sparse, compared to the varietal average. The summer season respected the seasonal averages, without excessive temperatures that allowed a regular activity of the vegetative wall. By contrast, rainfall was virtually absent, especially in August. The attention paid to soil management and the vegetative wall was of fundamental importance to contain the possible negative consequences. In the first decade of September an important disturbance brought abundant rainfall that participated positively in the last phase of ripening, moving forward the technological maturity and allowing to wait slightly for the phenolic and aromatic maturity of the fruits.

Verdicchio di Matelica DOC

26 September โ€“ 9 October

The harvest is done by hand and in small containers (about 18 kilograms). After a first selection, the grapes from the different parcels are pressed and vinified separately. The vinification is completely carried out in steel where the wines continue their aging until the month of June, the time of assembly. Further refinement continues in the bottle until it is put on the market


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Slow Wine 2022 – Top Wine
Decanter: 91/100